Saving and sharing videos

Saving and sharing videos

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Saving and sharing videos

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This support article is for the following applications:

Teleprompter for Video
iOS | Android

Teleprompter for Business

Save or Share videos from iPhone

Saving the video

When you tap Save, the video will be saved to the Photos App on your device. You can access it in the Photos App in the Recents album. You may be asked to give permission to access the Photos App, it is necessary to give permission to All Photos to ensure that all future videos are saved correctly.

It is possible to edit the permissions later by following the steps in this guide – App permissions

Save for later

This option allows you to store the recording inside the app, for accessing later either to edit or save/share. Saved recordings can be viewed by tapping on the Scripts icon in the navigation menu (in the recording screen). The number of recordings is shown against each script. Tap into the script to see the recordings. Recordings can be deleted by swiping left on their preview image but cannot be restored once deleted.

Sharing the video

When you tap Share, the app will present you with various options for how to share the video. These options are based on your device setup, and apps you have installed. Here are a few tips to take into account when sharing videos:

Sharing videos by email

Video files are very large. Sharing videos by email is almost always a bad idea as the size of the video will likely exceed the maximum allowed file size for your email provider. If someone asks you to share a video with them by email, it is much better to save the file to Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, iCloud, or any other cloud storage provider and then email the person a link to the video.

Sharing videos to Dropbox

  • Installed and log in to the Dropbox app
  • Tap the Share button in the Teleprompter for Video app
  • Tap the option to Save to Dropbox
  • Select a folder in Dropbox to save to
  • Tap Save

Sharing videos to Google Drive

  • Installed and log in to the Google Drive app
  • Tap the Share button in the Teleprompter for Video app
  • In the list of icons, tap the Google Drive icon – if it is not shown then tap the […] More icon and then find it in the full list of apps.
  • Select your account (if prompted)
  • Select a folder in Google Drive to share to (if needed)
  • Tap the Upload button

Sharing videos to OneDrive

  • Installed and log in to the OneDrive app
  • Tap the Share button in the Teleprompter for Video app
  • In the list of icons, tap the OneDrive icon – if it is not shown then tap the […] More icon and then find it in the full list of apps.
  • Select a folder in OneDrive to upload to
  • Tap the Upload to OneDrive button

Sharing videos to iCloud

  • Tap the Share button in the Teleprompter for Video app
  • Tap the option to Save to Files
  • Select a folder in iCloud Drive to upload to
  • Tap the Save button

Sharing videos to Box or another Cloud Storage provider

The Files app allows you to link directly with almost any Cloud Storage provider.

Follow the provider’s instructions for linking with the files app, and then use these instructions to upload your video.

  • Tap the Share button in the Teleprompter for Video app
  • Tap the option to Save to Files
  • Navigate to your Cloud Storage provider and select a folder to upload to
  • Tap the Save button

Video editing options

The app offers the following Editing options:

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