Learning styles and video production: Is a picture worth a 1,000 words?

Learning styles and video production: Is a picture worth a 1,000 words?

You may have heard the expression “A picture is worth a thousand words” – meaning that it’s easier to explain something using images than words.

Whilst this is often true, it’s not always the case.

There are different ways in which people can learn information:

  • Visual – by seeing pictures, diagrams and infographics.
  • Auditory – by hearing the information spoken out.
  • Reading/Writing – by reading and/or writing the text themselves.
  • Kinaesthetic – by actively doing something.

… and not everyone has the same preference.

While I may learn best by doing, you may prefer to read an instruction manual.

What impact do learning styles and preferences have on video production?

When you’re producing your videos try to incorporate as many of the different learning styles as possible. Your video will be visual/auditory by default; so see if you can also include some images, diagrams and text, and actively ask your viewers to do something in response to help reinforce your message for kinaesthetic learners.

Also, look for opportunities to reinforce your message through another learning style. Here are some ideas:

  • Create a free PDF for people to download after watching your video.
  • Direct your viewers to a blog on your website that covers the same topic using words and images.
  • Provide a list of follow-up actions that people should take.
  • Invite them to meet with you personally.
  • Hold an online workshop to explain the concepts you have shared.
  • Set up a Facebook group so people with similar interests can interact.

A top tip to remember

Video is a tool for communication and some people will respond to it better than others – according to their preferences. The more you can think about the different ways people like to discover new information, the more engaging your communications will be. 

Your viewers will love you for it! 😍

Let’s discuss

I’d love to hear your thoughts on the different learning styles and how they influence your video production. What works best for you?

Please share your ideas in our friendly Facebook community.

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