Scripts importeren uit Dropbox

Scripts importeren uit Dropbox

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Scripts importeren uit Dropbox

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Import from the Teleprompter App

From the recording screen, tap the Scripts icon to access your scripts.

Tap on the scripts icon in the menu

Your scripts will be listed here if you have any.

To import a script from Dropbox, tap the + button in the top right corner, and then select Add from Dropbox.

Tap + to create or import a script
Add script options dropbox onedrive icloud

Sign in to your Dropbox account, and select the file you wish to import. You can import files in .doc, .docx, .rtf, .txt, .pdf formats.

The script will then load into the editing page of the app, where you can make amendments, add formatting, and then Save.

After pressing Save, the script will appear in your list of scripts, and can be used for recording by tapping the Record button.

script editor and formatting toolbar
script options - record edit import recordings

Import from Dropbox App

If you already have the Dropbox App installed on your device, you can also import scripts directly from there.

  • Open the Dropbox app
  • Find the script you wish to import into the teleprompter
  • Tap the 3 dots […] next to the file name
  • Select the option Export
  • In the list of app icons, scroll to the far right and tap the 3 dots [… More]
  • Tap Teleprompter
  • De teleprompter-app wordt geopend en het script verschijnt


Als je problemen ondervindt bij het laden van je scripts vanuit Dropbox, is het ook mogelijk om je Dropbox-account te koppelen aan de Bestanden-app en scripts te importeren met behulp van de optie Toevoegen uit bestanden. Voor volledige instructies over hoe u dit kunt doen, leest u dit artikel – Scripts importeren met de app Bestanden

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